Maintaining Asphalt Integrity with Crack Sealing: A Comprehensive Guide

by City Wide
by City Wide
Asphalt crack sealing

Asphalt surfaces, whether they are part of a bustling city road or a suburban driveway, play a vital role in everyday mobility and accessibility. The key to prolonging their lifespan and ensuring they remain safe for travel is routine maintenance, with crack sealing being a critical component. This preventative technique not only safeguards the integrity of the asphalt but also saves money in the long run by avoiding more extensive damage and costly repairs. In this guide, we delve deep into the world of asphalt preservation and provide you with the knowledge you need to keep your surfaces in top condition.

Understanding Crack Sealing

Crack Sealing vs. Crack Filling: What’s the Difference?

In the realm of asphalt maintenance, two terms often used interchangeably are ‘crack sealing’ and ‘crack filling’. However, they are distinct processes with specific purposes. Crack sealing is a method that involves placing an elastic material into a cleaned crack to prevent water and debris from entering. By contrast, crack filling is a less durable solution, where a non-elastic material is used to fill the crevices, providing a temporary fix and protecting the pavement’s sub-base.

While both methods aim to address the inevitable cracks that develop in asphalt, crack sealing’s use of a flexible sealant allows for the natural expansion and contraction that occurs with temperature fluctuations. Crack filling materials, though immediately effective, may not perform as well under these conditions.

Studies from various transportation departments have shown that crack sealing can significantly extend the life of the pavement when applied at the right time and with proper techniques. As such, crack sealing is the preferred method for long-term maintenance, while crack filling may suffice for minor, short-term repairs.

The Benefits of Crack Sealing

The benefits of crack sealing are manifold. From enhancing pavement performance to saving public funds, this maintenance technique is a cornerstone of responsible asphalt management. Below are some key advantages:

Key Takeaway: Crack sealing extends the life of asphalt pavements by protecting against the ingress of water and debris, which can undermine the sub-base and lead to more significant problems.

  • Extending Pavement Lifespan: A well-timed crack seal can add years to the life of the pavement, mitigating the formation of potholes and extensive surface damage that require full-depth repairs.
  • Preventing Water Damage: By sealing cracks, the ingress of water is prevented, which is crucial because water is one of the leading causes of pavement deterioration. In colder climates, freeze-thaw cycles can exacerbate this damage.
  • Cost-Effectiveness of Timely Maintenance: Investing in crack sealing is cost-effective compared to the expenses incurred from repairing or replacing neglected pavements. As the old saying goes, “A stitch in time saves nine,” which applies aptly to asphalt care.

For municipalities, the economic impact of crack sealing is significant. The Ontario Good Roads Association underscores the value of regular maintenance, highlighting that every dollar spent on preventive maintenance could save six to ten dollars in future rehabilitation costs.

Identifying the Right Time for Crack Sealing

The timing of crack sealing can greatly influence its effectiveness. Pavement experts recommend sealing cracks when they are still small, typically when they measure less than a quarter-inch in width. This proactive approach ensures the sealant can adequately adhere and perform its protective role.

Seasonally, the best time for crack sealing is in the spring or fall when the temperatures are moderate. This allows the sealant to set correctly and avoids the potential for it to soften in extreme summer heat or become brittle in winter cold. Ensuring that the pavement is dry and free of debris is also crucial for the success of the procedure.

The Benefits of Crack Sealing

Extending Pavement Lifespan

Maintaining the integrity of asphalt surfaces is pivotal for extending their usable life. Asphalt, by its nature, will begin to show signs of wear over time due to traffic loads, weather conditions, and chemical exposures. Crack sealing effectively addresses these issues by providing a barrier against the elements that contribute to asphalt degradation.

Research indicates that regular maintenance, including crack sealing, can double the lifespan of asphalt pavement. By preventing the formation of larger cracks and potholes, the pavement retains its structural integrity and functional properties for a longer period.

Preventing Water Damage

One of the most damaging forces to asphalt is water. When water penetrates the surface through unsealed cracks, it can erode the base, leading to the creation of potholes and eventual pavement failure. In climates with freezing temperatures, the risk is even greater. Water that has seeped into the pavement expands upon freezing, exerting pressure that widens the existing cracks.

Crack sealing acts as a vital defense by ensuring that water cannot enter through the surface. A quality sealant application provides a seamless barrier that keeps the subsurface layers dry, thus preserving the asphalt’s stability and preventing costly damage.

Cost-Effectiveness of Timely Maintenance

The cost benefits of crack sealing are substantial. Ignoring cracks when they first appear can lead to more extensive and expensive repairs down the line. Regularly sealing cracks is an investment towards the longevity of the pavement and results in significant savings over time.

For example, the cost of routine maintenance, including crack sealing, is typically measured in cents per square foot, whereas the cost of major repairs or replacement can climb into several dollars per square foot. Hence, a proactive approach to pavement maintenance is far more economically sound than reactive methods.

Fact: According to the Asphalt Institute, the cost of filling a crack is approximately six times less expensive than having to replace a section of pavement due to neglect.

Comparison of routine maintenance vs major repairs cost per square foot

Additional Benefits of Crack Sealing

Aside from the primary advantages related to longevity and cost, crack sealing also yields several other benefits:

  • Safety: Sealed surfaces offer better traction and fewer tripping hazards, contributing to overall road and pedestrian safety.
  • Aesthetics: A well-maintained asphalt surface has a more appealing appearance, which can enhance property values and community pride.
  • Sustainability: By preserving existing pavement and reducing the need for new materials, crack sealing is an environmentally-friendly practice.

Identifying the Right Time for Crack Sealing

Recognizing Asphalt Damage Early

The key to successful asphalt maintenance is early detection and intervention. Cracks that are left untreated can expand rapidly, especially in areas with heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions. Regular inspections of the pavement surface can reveal early signs of distress, such as hairline cracks or slight deformations in the asphalt.

Developing an eye for spotting these early indicators is crucial. Small cracks can be addressed promptly with sealant, preventing the need for more extensive repairs. Property owners and maintenance professionals should routinely walk their pavements, keeping an eye out for any changes or damage.

Optimal Seasons for Crack Sealing

The most effective time for crack sealing is when temperatures are moderate, typically in the spring and fall months. These seasons generally provide the ideal conditions for sealants to adhere and cure properly. Daytime temperatures should be rising, and there should be no risk of freezing overnight. It’s important to note that different sealant materials have varying temperature requirements for optimal application and performance.

Additionally, the pavement surface should be dry and clean before applying the sealant. Any moisture or debris left in the cracks can prevent proper adhesion and compromise the effectiveness of the crack sealing process. Organizations tasked with roadway maintenance plan their schedules around these optimal conditions to ensure the best results.

Takeaway: Proactive maintenance, together with monitoring weather conditions, plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of crack sealing.

Choosing the Right Materials for Crack Sealing

Types of Crack Sealants

Selecting the appropriate sealant is essential for effective crack sealing. There are primarily two types of sealants used: hot-applied and cold-applied. Hot-applied sealants are preferred for their longevity and robustness. They are heated and melted before application and cool to form a firm, flexible bond with the asphalt. Cold-applied sealants are typically used for smaller, less trafficked areas due to their ease of application and lower cost.

It’s crucial to consider the climate and specific conditions of the pavement when choosing a sealant. Canadian regions with extreme temperature fluctuations require a sealant that can expand and contract without cracking. Manufacturers often provide detailed specifications that include the temperature ranges for their products’ optimal performance.

Material Properties and Performance

The effectiveness of a crack sealant depends on its adhesive and cohesive properties. An ideal sealant should have excellent adhesion to asphalt and sufficient flexibility to accommodate pavement movements. Good cohesion ensures the sealant maintains its integrity without splitting or becoming excessively sticky in hot conditions.

Specifiers should also examine the sealant’s resilience to degradation from ultraviolet light, chemicals, and other environmental factors. For the best results, a balance between softness for flexibility and toughness to resist traffic wear is required.

  • Hot-Applied Sealants: Suitable for a range of temperatures and known for their durability.
  • Cold-Applied Sealants: Convenient for quick, small-scale repairs, but not as durable as hot-applied options.
  • Eco-Friendly Options: Increasingly, products are available that minimize environmental impact, a consideration for sustainable maintenance programs.
Sealant Type Adhesion Flexibility Cohesion UV Resistance Chemical Resistance Environmental Resistance Traffic Wear Resistance Notes
Hot-Applied Rubberized High High High Moderate High High High Ideal for a wide range of temperatures; self-healing properties improve longevity.
Cold-Applied High-Viscosity Moderate High Moderate High Moderate High Moderate Suitable for cooler climates; easier application but may need reapplication sooner.
Silicone-Based Low Very High Low Very High High Very High Low Best for joints with high movement; poor adhesion to asphalt.
Asphalt Emulsion High Moderate High Low Low Moderate Moderate Eco-friendly, water-based; not suitable for high-traffic areas or extreme temperatures.
Polyurethane High High High High Very High High High Versatile, strong chemical resistance; more expensive but long-lasting.
Acrylic Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate High Low Good for surface treatments; less effective for deep cracks.


  • Adhesion: The ability of the sealant to bond to the asphalt surface.
  • Flexibility: The sealant’s capacity to accommodate movements in the pavement without cracking.
  • Cohesion: The internal strength of the sealant to maintain its integrity under stress.
  • UV Resistance: The sealant’s ability to resist degradation from ultraviolet light exposure.
  • Chemical Resistance: How well the sealant withstands exposure to oils, fuels, and other chemicals.
  • Environmental Resistance: The sealant’s overall durability in facing weather and environmental conditions.
  • Traffic Wear Resistance: The sealant’s ability to resist wear and tear from vehicular traffic.

Choosing a Professional Asphalt Service

For property owners or managers unfamiliar with the intricacies of crack sealants, consulting with a professional asphalt service is recommended. These services provide expertise in evaluating your pavement’s condition, recommending the appropriate sealant, and applying it properly for maximum longevity.

When selecting a service provider, it’s important to review their qualifications, experience, and customer testimonials. An established service provider with a solid track record will ensure that your pavement maintenance is in good hands.

Tip: Always ask for a detailed explanation of the service provider’s crack sealing process and the products they use. Transparency is key to a successful partnership.

Step-by-Step Procedure for Crack Sealing

Preparing the Asphalt Surface

Proper preparation of the asphalt surface is paramount for successful crack sealing. Start by cleaning debris, vegetation, and dust from the cracks using a combination of methods such as wire brushing, air blasting, or power washing. Once the cracks are clean, it is essential to ensure they are completely dry before applying the sealant. Any moisture can prevent the sealant from adhering correctly and reduce its effectiveness. In some cases, routing or widening the cracks may be necessary to create a clean, uniform space for the sealant. This can increase the sealant’s contact with the asphalt and improve its performance.

Remember: Patience in preparation paves the path to perfection. Taking the time to thoroughly prepare the surface will yield the best results in crack sealing.

Applying the Sealant

Once the cracks are clean and dry, you can begin applying the sealant. Use the appropriate equipment, such as a melter applicator for hot-applied sealants or a caulk gun for cold-applied sealants. The sealant should be applied carefully, filling the crack from the bottom up to avoid air pockets and ensure a tight bond. After application, it’s important to smooth the sealant to create a flush surface with the rest of the pavement. This will improve the appearance and prevent further damage from traffic or other external elements.

Tip: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on sealant temperature and curing times to ensure optimum performance and longevity of the crack seal.

Professional Crack Sealing vs. DIY Approach

When to Call the Professionals

While small, straightforward crack sealing jobs can be a DIY project, there are situations when calling in professionals is the smarter choice. If the affected area is large, or if the cracks are deep and complex, the expertise and equipment of a skilled team will likely save time and money in the long run. Professionals ensure that the job is done correctly and can often guarantee their work, providing peace of mind that the sealant will last as long as possible.

Consider professional help when:

  • The project size exceeds the capacity of readily available DIY products.
  • You lack the proper equipment or are unsure about safety precautions.
  • The cracks show signs of extensive structural damage that might require more than just sealing.

Caution: Saving on upfront costs by DIYing may lead to higher expenses if the crack sealing is not performed correctly, resulting in further damage and the need for professional repairs sooner than anticipated.

Tips for the DIY Enthusiast

If you decide to tackle asphalt crack sealing on your own, follow these tips to ensure the best outcome:

  • Research the right type of sealant for your specific climate and asphalt type.
  • Invest in quality application tools to apply the sealant evenly and efficiently.
  • Take safety precautions seriously—wear appropriate protective gear such as gloves, eyewear, and clothing.
  • Thoroughly clean and dry the cracks before applying sealant, as proper adhesion is critical for effectiveness.
  • Be patient and allow the sealant to cure fully before exposing it to traffic.

Embarking on a DIY project can be rewarding, but always prioritize the longevity and safety of your asphalt maintenance endeavors.

Regular Monitoring and Maintenance

Setting Up a Maintenance Schedule

To ensure the continued integrity of your asphalt surfaces, it is crucial to establish a regular monitoring and maintenance schedule. Evaluating your pavement seasonally can help detect new cracks before they become serious issues. Establishing a routine for inspections, cleaning, and sealing will keep your asphalt in prime condition and safeguard against premature failures.

Suggestions for a maintenance schedule:

  • Spring: Assess winter damage and prepare for crack sealing.
  • Summer: Monitor surfaces for expansion-related cracking due to heat.
  • Fall: Seal any new cracks to protect against winter freeze-thaw cycles.
  • Winter: Plan for early spring maintenance and address any critical issues promptly.

Long-term Benefits of Consistent Monitoring

Regular maintenance not only keeps pavements safe and attractive but also contributes to long-term cost savings. Consistent monitoring allows you to catch and address minor issues before they escalate into more significant repairs. By staying on top of maintenance needs, you extend the life of your pavement and maximize your investment.

Insight: A systematic approach to asphalt maintenance not only saves money but also helps maintain the property value and reinforces public safety.

Safety Considerations in Crack Sealing

maintenance worker safety equipment

Personal Protective Equipment

Whether you’re a professional or a DIY enthusiast, safety should always come first during crack sealing operations. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential to protect against burns from hot sealant, inhalation of fumes, and other potential hazards. Essential PPE includes:

  • Heat-resistant gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • Long-sleeved shirts and long pants
  • A mask or respirator for projects involving significant dust or fumes

Adhering to Safety Protocols

Adhering to safety protocols extends beyond donning the right gear. Understanding proper handling and application techniques is crucial to preventing accidents. Always read and follow the safety recommendations provided by the sealant manufacturer, and never rush through the work. If using hot-applied sealants, be particularly cautious with the equipment as it can cause severe burns.

Pro Tip: Always keep a first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher within reach during crack sealing operations. Being prepared for any emergency is a hallmark of safe work practices.

Cost Analysis of Crack Sealing

Initial Investment vs. Long-Term Savings

Crack sealing is often perceived as an expense, but it’s an investment towards the longevity of your pavement. The initial cost for materials and application will vary depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type of sealant used. However, the long-term savings can be significant when compared to the costs of extensive repairs or full pavement replacement.

Factoring in the reduced need for repairs, the extension of pavement life, and the prevention of further damage, the return on investment for crack sealing becomes evident. Pavement technology studies support this, often citing the cost-benefit ratio of timely preventive maintenance to be highly favorable.

Understanding the Financials

To fully appreciate the cost benefits, it’s essential to understand the financial impact of crack sealing. A thorough evaluation will consider both direct and indirect costs associated with the treatment. Direct costs include materials, labor, and equipment, while indirect costs might factor in traffic delays, business disruptions, or increased liability from accidents due to poor pavement condition.

Utilizing a professional service can sometimes seem pricier at first glance, but the guarantee of a job done right can offset future unbudgeted expenses. Therefore, it is advisable to consider both immediate and longer-term financial implications when planning for crack sealing procedures.

Finding the Right Asphalt Maintenance Service

Qualifications and Experience

Choosing the right asphalt maintenance service is akin to selecting a partner in the care of your investment. It’s essential to research and select a company that not only offers crack sealing services but does so with a proven track record. Look for a service that boasts certifications, proper insurance, extensive experience, and a diagnostic approach to asphalt maintenance.

Tips: Request case studies or reference projects, and inquire about their staff training and quality assurance protocols. Don’t hesitate to ask about their methods and equipment, ensuring they employ industry-best practices.

Evaluating Reviews and Testimonials

Customer feedback provides invaluable insights into the level of service and satisfaction you can expect. Reviews and testimonials reflect past performance and can indicate the reliability, professionalism, and effectiveness of a service provider.

Action: Leverage online platforms, request testimonials, and engage with local business associations to gather feedback on potential service providers. Look for consistent patterns in customer experiences to make an informed decision.

Wrapping Up

Recap of the Benefits of Crack Sealing

Crack sealing is an indispensable maintenance strategy for preserving asphalt integrity. From extending the lifespan of the pavement, ensuring safety, and maintaining aesthetics to preventing costly damage from water and weather, the benefits are clear. Additionally, its cost-effectiveness over time works to reduce overall expenditures.

Encouraging Proactive Asphalt Maintenance

This comprehensive guide illustrates the critical need for proactive and regular asphalt maintenance. By understanding the processes, materials, and best practices for crack sealing, property owners and managers can protect and enhance their pavement investments. Asphalt maintenance is not merely a task—it is a commitment to quality and sustainability that pays off in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can crack sealing be performed in any weather?

No, the ideal weather for crack sealing is dry with moderate temperature conditions. Extreme cold or hot weather can impact the performance of the sealant. Moisture can prevent proper adhesion, so it’s essential that the pavement is dry during application.

How often should you perform crack sealing on your asphalt?

The frequency of crack sealing depends on several factors, including climate, pavement age, traffic volume, and the current condition of the pavement. A good rule of thumb is to inspect your pavement annually and perform crack sealing as needed, generally every 2 to 3 years.

What are the environmental implications of crack sealing?

Crack sealing, when done correctly, helps prolong the life of the pavement, reducing the need for new materials and waste. Additionally, eco-friendly sealants are available that minimize environmental impact.

Are there any DIY sealant products equivalent to professional-grade materials?

There are high-quality DIY sealant products available that can be effective for small-scale applications. However, professional-grade materials are typically designed for longer-lasting performance and may require specialized equipment to apply.

What should I do if the sealed cracks reappear?

If cracks reappear, it may be due to movement in the pavement or the aging of the material. Reassess the sealant’s condition, and if necessary, clean out the cracks and reapply sealant or contact a professional for an evaluation.

About the author

City Wide
City Wide Environmental Cleaning, a trusted name in the Greater Vancouver area, is a leading authority in commercial and industrial cleaning services. With a solid reputation built on an established local presence, City Wide is known for its experienced team, dependable service, and unwavering commitment to quality. Specializing in complete parkade maintenance, City Wide caters to a diverse range of clients, including commercial plazas, hospitals, strata buildings, institutions, hotels, airports, and retail stores.

Schedule parking lot cleaning and maintenance today with Greater Vancouver’s #1 Parking Lot Cleaners, City Wide.

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